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Tyre cleaning in a ramp

Tyre cleaning can only take place on level floors? Wrong, because ProfilGate® can also be installed in ramps - with certain advantages!

Space is valuable and you don't want to waste any. We have therefore developed the option of cleaning tyres on ramps and driveways. ProfilGate® saves space and has the further advantage that your employees cannot avoid the field. Regardless of whether they use the driveway on foot, with a small pallet truck or with a forklift truck weighing several tonnes - the system works for all running surfaces. The cleaning process runs automatically and mechanically as soon as a vehicle or person drives onto or enters the clean-off zone. 
How is this possible? The pre-tensioned brush strips start to vibrate under load. Due to the offset bristles, this vibration causes the brushes to actively glide over tyres, rollers and soles and brush off the dirt. This then falls through the gratings into the trays installed underneath and collects there. The dirt is best removed regularly with a hoover or hand brush at intervals of weeks or months.

A major advantage of installing on a slope for general work safety is the reduced risk of slipping. For example, one of our customers had the problem of oil and dust from the floor getting on the soles of their employees' shoes. When they passed an inclined ramp made of tear plate, they often slipped. The ProfilGate® cleaning field in the tear plate ramp not only combated the problem, but also the cause. On the one hand, the new surface ensured greater stability on the ramp itself. Secondly, large amounts of oil and dust were removed by cleaning the brushes so that they could no longer spread unhindered throughout the entire plant.

Below you can see some installation examples



"Contact us for all your industrial cleaning needs. We will help you choose the right product for your clean factory.”
Philipp Teichmann, Project Manager Africa & America

HEUTE Maschinenfabrik GmbH & Co. KG

Höhscheider Weg 37
42699 Solingen

Opening hours

Monday till Friday
09:00 bis 17:00 Uhr

+49 (0)212 380 310

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